From left to right: 1) African mahogany Khaya nyasica Liwonde National Park, Malawi. 2) Tropical Flowering Dogwood Mussaenda erythrophylla Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic . 3) ...
Shooting up from the rainforest canopy, the moabi’s parasol-like crown stands out clearly in the Congo River Basin forest landscape. This tree is restricted to areas of primary evergreen and old ...
Public boats, with ample sleeping quarters, plied the Congo until the government of the DRC let them fall into disrepair. Now river traffic consists largely of barges (top) and pirogues (center).
The hand of man' The Congo River basin floods every year between ... to the RVF courtyard strewn with aquatic plants brought by recent flooding. A small crocodile even ventured into the courtyard ...
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