This brief essay reviews an approach to defining and then detecting the emergence of complexity in nonlinear processes. It is, in fact, a synopsis of Reference [1] that leaves out the technical ...
Predicting how ecological communities will respond to disturbances is notoriously challenging, especially given the variability in species' responses within the same community. Focusing solely on ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ...
The computation of reliable, chemically correct atom maps from educt/product pairs has turned out to be a difficult problem in cheminformatics because the chemically correct solution is not ...
Policy Points Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) offer treatment for rare and oftentimes deadly disease, but their prices are high, and payers may seek to limit spending. Total annual costs of covering ...
The scale and terms of borrowing in an economy depend on the manner in which wealth is distributed across potential creditors with heterogeneous beliefs about the future. This distribution evolves ...
The coevolutionary dynamics of lytic viruses and microbes with CRISPR-Cas immunity exhibit alternations between sustained host control of viral proliferation and major viral epidemics in previous ...
Belief dynamics has an important role in shaping our responses to natural and societal phenomena, ranging from climate change and pandemics to immigration and conflicts. Researchers often base their ...
Dakos, Vasilis; Chris A. Boulton; Joshua E. Buxton; Jesse F. Abrams; Beatriz Arellano-Nava; Daivd I. Armstrong McKay; Sebastian Bathiany; Lana Blaschke; Niklas Boers ...
We study a nonlinear bounded-confidence model (BCM) of continuous-time opinion dynamics on networks with both persuadable individuals and zealots. The model is parameterized by a nonnegative scalar ', ...
Burrows, Dominic R. W.; Giovanni Diani; Birgit Pimpel; Dani S. Bassett et al. Neuronal activity propagates through the network during seizures, engaging brain dynamics at multiple scales. Such ...
We investigate perceptions of tweets marked with the #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter hashtags, as well as how the presence or absence of those hashtags changed the meaning and subsequent ...