Underused GPU chips—in game consoles or offices—inspire startups to stitch together virtual “distributed” networks to compete with AI data centers.
Explore how cloud gaming is breaking down barriers, offering accessibility for gamers of all backgrounds, and transforming ...
Plus: Stopping asteroids from hitting Earth, solving climate change with fertilizer and building strength by eating grapes.
Marvel Rivals update 1.000.010 is rolling out for the big mid-season 1.5 patch, as servers are pulled down for a few hours.
A breakthrough in quantum computing that could threaten crypto is still years away, but a new chip from Microsoft might have ...
For a field that many have long considered decades away, quantum computing sure is getting a lot of buzz in Silicon Valley.
Microsoft Surface today is all about maintaining Windows ecosystem health and sticking to the status quo, not experimental ...
Its Majorana 1 chip, made of a new material, can perform high-level computing tasks with greater speed and accuracy, ...
Microsoft has just announced a chip that it claims will "redefine" how quantum computing works. But experts say there's a long way for that vision to become a reality.